Research Leaders for Tomorrow programme

Dr Helena Pinto (Accounting and Finance) has successfully gained a place on the university's Research Leaders for Tomorrow Programme, after being nominated by Professor Andrew Marshall and the Faculty Office.

The Research Leaders for Tomorrow programme is run in module format, over the course of a few months. The modules are full-day interactive sessions and deal with the practical aspects of leading research in an increasingly competitive environment, as well as enabling participants to increase their own leadership capability. In addition to the core programme, participants are given the opportunity to work with colleagues in other departments/faculties on a project that will require each team to scope out an exciting research project that would be of significant benefit to the university.

Papers published

Dr Julia Smith's paper, co-written with Gavin C Reid - 'A co-evolutionary analysis of organisational, systems and processes: quantitative applications to information system dynamics in small entrepreneurial firms' - has been published in Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Professor Jonathan Fletcher has had his paper 'Arbitrage and the Evaluation of linear factor models in UK stock returns' - accepted for publication by the Financial Review.

Department of Management doctoral day

The Department of Management held its annual doctoral day at Loch Venachar in the Trossachs, with 15 PhD and DBA students in attendance. Dr Barbara Simpson, the department's Director of Postgraduate Research, said it was a valuable opportunity for community building, with four students recently transferred from the former department of Hotel and Tourism Management. The focus for the day was developing the writing skills that are essential to an academic career. Speakers included Professor Robert Chia, Professor Chris Huxham and Dr Paul Hibbert, all of whom offered practical advice drawn from their own experience.

Photographs from the doctoral day

Enterprise engagements for Professor Carter

Professor Sara Carter was invited to chair the Swedish Residency workshop at the EU SME Policy conference in Stockholm - "From the European Charter for Small Enterprises to the Small Business Act" - over October 5-6. She attended a reception hosted by Lord Mandelson at Lancaster House on November 3 to mark the final report of the Women's Enterprise Task Force, of which Professor Carter is a member.

Professor Colin Mason in Canada

Professor Colin Mason (Hunter Centre) was invited by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) to speak on my current research on fast growing firms in Scotland at their annual staff conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia in September.

He is also co-author of a NESTA report, "Measuring Business Growth: high-growth firms and their contribution to employment in the UK" - which was written up in the Financial Times as "The vital six per cent".

Click here for the report

International Electrotechnical Committee meeting

Professor Lesley Walls (Management Science) attended the Meeting of the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) in Tel Aviv from 11-15 October 2009 ( The IEC is the world's leading organisation that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. Professor Walls is Project Leader for one of the new Reliability standards being developed by the IEC Technical Committee.