First year MDP students make their presentations

From left to right, Adam McKnight; Jim Boyle Deloitte; Niall Grant; Sobhan Afzal; Christopher Craig; Thomas Walton.

It was the turn of first year business school students to make their Management Development Programme (MDP) presentations to sponsoring company Deloitte.

Deloitte, one of the biggest firms in the professional services arena, sponsored a prize for the best holiday project report and presentation in MDP 1 in the 2009-10 academic year. The top three teams from MDP 1 gave their presentations at the Deloitte Glasgow office on May 6.

The winning team was 'Golf@ the Home of Golf', and each winning member - Adam McKnight, Niall Grant, Sobhan Afzal, Christopher Craig and Thomas Walton - received a £50 shopping voucher from Deloitte.

There were two runners up teams: 'Spring Break' consisted of Simon Fleming, Colin Jordan, Amie MacLean, Guy Ramsbottom and Hanebo Tay, and 'Adrenaline Junkies' was Fraser Porteous, Lorna Burrows, Kari Gourlay, Alex Speers, Seonaid MacDonald and Ryan Thomson. All of them also received a voucher from Deloitte.

Jim Boyle, Partner at Deloitte, commented, "We were once again hugely impressed by the quality and range of great ideas this year. Myself and my team really enjoyed meeting the finalists in our boardroom and sitting in on the many heats on campus. It is great to see these first year students present with such polish, composure and passion and I have no doubts that their number includes a number of Scotland's future business leaders. In a year where "staycations" have been very popular and there is a focus on supporting the local economy it was very fitting that a traditional Scottish-based holiday theme emerged as this year's winning entry."