Economics masterclasses

Professor Vincenzo Verardi from the University of Bruxelles will be visiting the Department of Economics from April 11 to May 9 as part of the Royal Economic Society's visiting lecturer scheme. During his visit, Professor Verardi will work closely with Dr Rodolphe Desbordes, senior lecturer in the Department of Economics on collaborative research.

Additionally, thanks to a generous grant from the Royal Economic Society, the Economics Department has organised a masterclass on April 21 featuring Professor Verardi, which will provide an introduction to robust regression methods. The class is open to PhD students, early career researchers and senior staff, and more details, and booking, can be found here.

Professor Verardi will be leading a workshop on May 5, recapitulating the theory and merits of robust regression and introducing the latest developments in this field with a particular focus on instrumental variables and panel data techniques. This workshop is funded thanks to a generous grant from the Scottish Institute for Research in Economics.