AMBA event focused on Innovation and Enterprise

An AMBA Cluster Event, held in association with Strathclyde Business School, took place at Strathclyde Business School on November 15 in the Court Senate Suite. Dr Jonathan Levie of the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship acted as chairman of the panel.

Other panel members included SBS alumnus, Dave Pratt, a long-term entrepreneur within the energy sector and current Chairman of AiM-listed Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping plc; Alex Barton, former student entrepreneur and founder of Student Designers; and Mamta Singhal who, with a background in corporate innovation with Dyson, Hasbro Toys and Mars, also ran her own business while studying for her MBA, and is currently a senior executive in Innovation and Enterprise with Scottish Enterprise.

The panel discussed their experiences of effectively growing successful, innovative businesses and passed on some of the lessons learned along the way and through anecdotal evidence of their experiences.

Students from all AMBA-accredited schools were eligible to attend; those who did so showed great appreciation for the panel members and were keen to ask questions of all panel members.