Professor at round table event looking at how HR responds to challenging environment

Professor Dennis Nickson, head of the Department of Human Resource Management, recently attended the annual Scotland conference of the professional association for HR, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

On the eve of the conference Professor Nickson was invited to a roundtable event with 20 HR Directors from a number of leading organisations. The roundtable was jointly chaired by Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD, and John McGurk, Head of the CIPD in Scotland, and considered how HR is responding to an ever more challenging environment.

Professor Nickson commented, "It was a great opportunity to engage with leading HR practitioners in considering some of the key work and employment challenges in Scotland and especially timely given on-going discussions about the independence referendum."

Indeed, at the roundtable Professor Nickson was able to highlight an ESRC-funded piece of research that has recently been completed by the Department's Scottish Centre for Employment Research considering work, employment, skills and training and the next steps for Scotland, and which will shortly be launched as a major public interest report.