Journal ranks highly in Impact Factor

The new Journal Impact Factor numbers from Thomson Reuters came out on 30th July.

The Journal of Behavioral Decision Making – whose editor-in-chief is SBS’s Professor George Wright - scored a two-year Impact Factor number of 2.082 ranking the Journal as 17th out of the world's top 75 Journals in the "Psychology: Applied" category. The related five-year Impact Factor number was up to 2.552; in 2013 it was 1.917.

Journal editor-in-chief George Wright, who is based in the Department of Strategy and Organization, commented, "This means that the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making is one of the world's top applied psychology journals. This result is especially pleasing for a UK-based journal. Since the beginning of 2014 we have already published papers whose authors' affiliations include Princeton, Duke, Carnegie-Mellon, Mannheim, Lund, Rotterdam, and Warwick".

Last month, Professor Wright was also appointed as a Senior Editor at Decision Support Systems - a US-based journal focussed on aiding decision makers to make better decisions.