Sir Tom Hunter and Sir Christopher Evans lead MBA elective class

Entrepreneur and philanthropist, Sir Tom Hunter, in his role as visiting professor at the university and business school, has launched a series of lectures and debates, which will bring business leaders in their respective fields to Strathclyde to offer incisive thoughts and challenges as to how Scotland can deliver 'a new Enlightenment'.

The series was launched with a keynote lecture by Professor Sir Christopher Evans, one of the world's leading medical sciences entrepreneurs on June 21. A popular and pragmatic scientist, and a brilliant businessman, Sir Christopher is credited with starting the Cambridge Cluster. From small beginnings, it now embraces some 350 companies with a turnover of over $7 billion.

MBA students who selected the MBA elective, New Venture Creation, found themselves in the fortunate position of having both business entrepreneurs join them for one of their classes that same day, with one full-time MBA student even getting to pitch his business ideas to the business pair and get invaluable feedback from the leading entrepreneurs - an invaluable opportunity for all concerned.