What happened at COP28?
Event Date: 18 January 2024
University of Strathclyde staff and students - come and hear from our colleagues who attended COP28 UAE. Our colleagues will feed back to the Strathclyde community about what they saw and learnt from being at COP28. There will also be an opportunity for colleagues and students to ask any questions of the four speakers.
Time: 5-6.30pm
Location: Learning & Teaching Building, TL325a & TL325b
Speakers at the event will be:
Professor Francesco Sindico
Francesco is a Professor of International Environmental Law at the University of Strathclyde Law School. Francesco is the Founder/Director of the Climate Change Litigation Initiative, the first social enterprise to be coming out from the University of Strathclyde. Francesco is an expert in international climate change law and also has academic and practical experience in international water law and sustainable development law. He has attended COP 15 and COP 26 as an observer.
Professor Emma Macdonald
Emma is Charles Huang Chair in International Business and Director of the Stephen Young Institute, Strathclyde Business School. Her research interests encompass international and sustainable business, sustainable marketing, customer experience management, and partnerships for sustainable innovation. She is Visiting Professor in Cranfield’s Sustainable Business Group and, alongside colleagues, she developed and taught the Sustainable Futures Game which they took to COP26 to demonstrate in the Green Zone. Emma’s research in sustainability and marketing has been published in Harvard Business Review, and in top-ranked journals. Her most recent journal paper is “Policy for Sustainable Entrepreneurship” published in the Journal of Cleaner Production 2023.
Dr Scott Strachan
Scott is a Principal Teaching Fellow within EEE. His focus is on Education for Sustainable Development, and he is ESD lead in the University’s Centre for Sustainable Development and Co-Convenor of the ESD Topic Support Network for Learning for Sustainability Scotland, a UN Regional Centre of Expertise. Scott also Chairs the University’s ESD Working Group and Strathclyde Climate Ambassadors’ Networks (StrathCAN), which won the 2022 UK & Ireland Green Gown Award for Student Engagement with Climate Education workshops.
Dr Liliana Fonseca
Liliana is a Research Associate in the European Policies Research Centre, based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Her work lies at the confluence of the fields of innovation and sustainability policy. She is project manager for the Net Zero Industrial Cluster Exchange (NICE), an international network for best practices on the just transition.
Registration can be done here
Published: 7 December 2023