Professor appointed chair to lead QAA Finance Subject Benchmark Statement

Professor Andrew Marshall of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Strathclyde Business School, has been appointed to lead the review of the QAA Finance Subject Benchmark Statement in 2024-25.

This follows an expression of interest phase earlier this year with successful appointments having been made from QAA member institutions across the UK. Subject Benchmark Statements, which have been drafted and published by QAA for over two decades, describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates can reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.

Chairs and Deputy Chairs, alongside Advisory Groups, lead the development of Statements in their subject area to ensure they serve as a useful resource for discipline communities and can inform a range of purposes - including as reference points in the design, delivery and review of academic courses. The process of creating and reviewing subject benchmarks is facilitated by QAA.

As well as Professor Marshall being named Chair of the Finance group, deputy chairs were selected, namely Dr Abraham Adu of the University of Aberdeen and Dr Susan Smith, University College London.

To ensure the subject benchmark reviews take into account a diverse and broad spectrum of ideas, opinion and experience, each subject area has its own advisory group, comprising members of the academic community, employers, professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs), and students.   

Published: 5 December 2023

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G4 0QU

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