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Strathclyde Business School

Considering an MBA? 'Go for it!'

By Daechuck Lee - Posted on 11 March 2021

Daechuck Lee did his MBA full time at Strathclyde. Here, he explains what he loved about his time here - so much so, he is setting up a scholarship for Koreans who want to do the same

There were two main reasons I wanted to study an MBA – first, I had worked solely in hospitality for 10 years and I wanted to diversify the range of industries I could work in, and I also wanted to build networking opportunities through doing an MBA. 

I chose Strathclyde Business School for my MBA for three reasons: first, Strathclyde has global presence with its international centres around the world – which meant there were opportunities for international networking. The second was that Strathclyde has a global reputation with an excellent faculty, outstanding staff and powerful research capabilities. Finally, the University is located in Glasgow which is a great city to study in. 

I found the MBA programme extremely challenging and stimulating - it was varied and interactive. Group working was an important component. While researching schools, I found Strathclyde emphasised group working as do most of the world’s leading MBA schools. It’s an important aspect of learning as most of the world’s top companies lean towards group working on projects. At Strathclyde we had the opportunity to work with different members for each group working session. I found this was a useful way to share ideas with people from diverse backgrounds and I particularly enjoyed this element of the course. 

I would describe the faculty and staff of Strathclyde in one word: fantastic. The Strathclyde MBA has a great reputation and is respected by its students and alumni for its excellent faculty and friendly staff as well as the supported counselling and management of each student. I personally found the support from all staff members to be second to none. 

To anyone considering doing an MBA, I'd say ‘go for it’. An MBA will challenge you but will give you opportunities that you can only dream of. I would also recommend being a Strathclyder. I am working hard to inform Korean students about the Strathclyde MBA which isn’t so well known here, and I have created scholarships for Korean students and donated to them which will be available later this year from Strathclyde Business School – that's how much I love Strathclyde and recommend its MBA. 

Having worked as a marketing manager for 10 years at the largest hotel chain in Korea before my MBA, I am now currently working on the strategic planning marketing team at the headquarters of Samsung Group. I moved in the direction I wanted as a result of the Strathclyde MBA – I changed my industry and I'm now working for a world-class company.  

I am 100% certain that the biggest reason why I was able to move in the direction I wanted is the Strathclyde MBA and I would emphasise that one of the most important aspects of the MBA is networking. MBA colleagues and staff that are naturally met during the MBA will remain friends for life and, coupled with the Strathclyde alumni that stretch all over the world, you have a network which is an asset that will shape your future. 

Contact details

 Undergraduate admissions
 +44 (0)141 548 4114

 Postgraduate admissions
 +44(0)141 553 6118 / 6119


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

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