A fond farewell from an MBA stalwart
By Margaret English - Posted on 16 December 2021Margaret English is a well-known face to students on our full time MBA programme - after almost 40 years at Strathclyde, she's retiring and here, she reflects on her time at Strathclyde and what it has meant to her.
I started working in Strathclyde Business School on May 16 1983. I remember this date clearly as it was my sister’s birthday. We had a double celebration that night and it was the start of a lifetime for me at Strathclyde - a happy one.
At the time I had been working in Hotel Management and wanted to do something different. I was also working unsociable hours and wanted more structure in my life and thought it would be great to work with students – and I was right, it has been very rewarding. I thought I would work at the University for a few years but it’s now almost 40 years that I have spent here at Strathclyde.
I had no formal qualifications at the time and working here made me think, “if you can’t beat them, join them” - so I completed my own MBA which I’m very proud of. It also gave me a great insight into what our students experience when studying here.
Strathclyde is a very supportive organisation and I would advise new staff to take the opportunity to get involved in personal development, which the University strongly encourages. I would also advise new staff to form networks and friendships outwith their own Department. I am a people person and have many friends/contacts across all of the faculties - it’s great to have that large network both professionally and personally. I have been lucky enough to reach out over many faculties when needing advice and I have never been let down.
Unsurprisingly, there have been many memorable moments for me, spanning 40 years. I was delighted when MBA students nominated me for the first Best Non-Teaching Support Staff at the Teaching Excellence Awards. Although I didn’t win, being put forward was a great honour. It was a wonderful evening hosted by students which made it all the more special.
When I started in the Business School working with MBA students, we were one of the few Business Schools in the UK offering the MBA. I was involved in the first Open-Learning MBA offered in the UK which was very innovative at the time and SBS has continued to adapt and change its MBA to suit business needs and new developments.
I've worked closely with alumni and current students to ensure that our MBA offers the ultimate learning experience and it’s always been my aim to give students a high level of support and service.
It’s always been a pleasure to hear from our past students who want to be involved with the Business School long after graduation – I've always loved to hear what they have done since graduation. I believe this engagement makes a difference and hope this continues to be the case as I’m sure it will.
I have been very lucky to work with many terrific people over a lifetime in the University and I’d thank every one of them.
Since 1983 many changes have happened at Strathclyde (I remember when academics wore cords and smoked in the lecture theatres!) and in my personal life. I’d like to say a big thank you to our own MBA team for their constant support and friendships.
I plan to spend more time with my family and friends when I retire. I am also planning to travel - I have many friends in America and have been invited to visit a number of the States when I have more free time. I hope to visit Florence and Venice in the Spring - hopefully we will all be free to travel at that point.
I am looking forward to the next adventure in my life and will always be close to the friends I have made over the years at Strathclyde. It has been a huge part of my life which I will truly miss.